Building a Brand identity: Why It Should Be Your Number One Priority and How to Do It.

Building a brand identity is an essential part of a business. Here are four ways you can do this:

  1. Know the Value
  2. Identify your USP  
  3. Identify your Customers  
  4. Finding your Message   

If you need help building your brand identity, book a free 15-minute consultation today!

Building a brand identity is more than a good company name or a fancy logo. It’s an extension of your core values and company goals. Your brand identity is the catalyst that sparks the emotions you want your customers to experience each time they interact with your brand. It is a guiding principle that helps make decisions and provides a sense of direction and purpose.  

If you build the right brand, you can create a loyal customer base, drive sales, increase employee engagement, create efficient marketing campaigns and even redefine an industry.   

In today’s market, having a brand identity isn’t a nice to have, it’s an essential part of owning a business. That is why 77% of marketers believe branding is critical to future growth. To get to the bottom of your brand, you must take a holistic approach to refining your business. Here are four tips to get you started: 

Number 1: Know the Value   

Look at how your product or service adds value to your customers’ lives. If it isn’t having a positive impact on their lives, they aren’t going to buy your product or service.   

Knowing the value to your customers will help you communicate your business to them and shape your company image. As a result, your customers will know why they need your product or service and how it improves their lives.  

Case Example: Whole Foods Market adds value to their customer’s lives by providing healthy food. As a result, they have built a strong brand identity that appeals to customers who care about their health. 

Number 2: Identify your USP  

Knowing your brand’s unique selling proposition (USP) is essential for building a strong brand identity. It is the thing that makes your business better than your competitors and is the reason customers come back again and again. Once you know your USP, you can start building things around it like your logo, visual style, and overall messaging. When a brand identity is aligned with a USP, it creates a clear, consistent message in the minds of your consumers. This can help attract new customers, build trust with existing customers, and increase sales.  

Case Example: Apple’s USP is its focus on simplicity and innovation. This USP is reflected in its brand identity, which is simple, elegant, and modern and appeals to customers who value this in their technology products. 

Number 3: Identify your Customers   

Identifying your customers is an essential part of any business strategy. Your customers are the people who are most likely to buy your products or services, so it is imperative that you understand their needs, wants, and values. If you understand this, you can build a brand identity that resonates with them.  

Case Example: Nike focuses on performance, athleticism, and inspiration. As a result, they sponsor world-class athletes. This ensures people interested in sports, and thus their products, are exposed to them through people who embody their company’s brand identity.

Number 4: Find your Personality and Message   

Finding your company’s message and personality can help create a more consistent, authentic brand. The brand’s personality is the unique set of characteristics that you want to associate with your company. Its message is the core message you want to communicate to your customers. Both of these factors help build trust and loyalty to your brand. 

Case Example: Coca-Cola’s brand personality is classic, happy, and refreshing. Its brand message is “Taste the feeling.” As a result, this personality and message is integrated into all of Coca-Cola’s online platforms and marketing materials which has formed the backbone of Coca-Cola’s brand identity.  

When we work with large and small businesses, we always keep the company’s brand identity at the heart of everything we do. If you are struggling with your brand identity or are looking to create brand materials, get in touch with us now and see how we can help take your business to the next level.

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